Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Youth of the Black Man


so i was reading this story. and it instantly angered me! the black youth of the country are being let down. and in this case its not the White mans fault, its the Black man fault. and he(the black man) needs to know that if we do not clean up our act, future generations of black americas are going to be born and instantly placed in the system because.......we are becoming monsters.

this article is about the youth of oakland ca. in the article it discuss how drugs, sex and money are ruining the black family. there is no reason why a child can be born into this, the free world, and immediately be robbed of all the things that make them a child. and it is a sad situation. young men are being forced into a life style of crime because if they resist they will be considered "less of a man". and it should not be like that. there is no reason that a child should ever feel bad because they want to learn or have the desire to advance.

children should never have to face adult problems, it takes their innocence. it makes them mad at the world. it makes them feel like they are owed something because they had to work so hard to just get the little things they need in life.
