Friday, January 2, 2009

random thoughts pt 1

so i was on my daily stop to i kinda fell in love with this site during the recent elections. but anyways, so i decided i was tired of reading about the turmoil over "there" and decided to read about some recent crimes. dont really know why i chose that portion of the site, but i did. and boy was i in for a shock!!!! see this dummie on the left, this is bruce jeffery pardo. this man goes through the motion of renting a santa suit so that he can go on a killing spree. this man entered the home of his ex-wife's family, where he had been invited as a guest. instead of passing out gifts, mr. pardo shows up with four semiautomatic weapons and an "incendiary" device.

the end result: at least 13 young people are orphaned and two others lost one parent. and mr. pardo, the reason behind this act of senseless violence, puts a bullet in his head.

it seems that mr. padro and his wife had finalized their divorce and he was supposed to be delivering $10K to her lawyer on Dec. 19, but never showed up. in the end mr. pardo broke into his brother's house and shot himself in the head. he had $17K strapped to his chest along with plane tickets to Illinois.

what i can not understand is why go through all of this? what does it prove? who ends up a winner in a tragic situation like this one? it really upsets me when i read about people and how they are not able to deal with their feelings. now it is perfectly understandable to be hurting while going through a divorce. it is also understandable to feel like the other person is trying to take of advantage of the situation. and in most cases its a true statement, the wife is trying to show claims to all of the husband's assets( "well i was there supporting him when he made his millions so half of that should be mine right?") and the husband is trying to keep all the money that he can for himself( "well that may be true your honor, but it was my ideas and perseverance that actually made the money!") in a divorce everyone loses, but is it really worth a life?

what really bothers me is that this man had the $10K in possession but did not feel like it was worth his time to pay. i mean, i look at the situation as, i pay and the bitch is out my life for good. so whatever the reasons that caused the divorce the situation will be over. but no, he has to be all "action jackson" and ruin a holiday for generations to come. how are these children going to feel in a couple of years when they think back to how their parents died on christmas eve 2008. no let me get it right, parents were brutally murdered and had their house set on fire all on christmas eve. i know this holiday will not have the same feelings and emotions behind it in future years. it will probably become a time of reflection, a time to remember the lives lost over some renegade's ignorance.

my heart truly goes out to this family. the people that lost their lives did not deserve to die over something this trivial. life is precious people. you truly never know what could happen, and boom your life may be over. oh and beware of people coming to holiday events dressed as santa. just do a quick pat down, because as sad as it is, it has become a true just dont know how crazy people really are.

if you would like to send donations to the survivors the following information has been provided:

Checks for the family can be made to the Ortega Family Fund;
care of the Law Offices of Scott J. Nord
500 N. Brand Blvd.
Suite 550
Glendale, CA 91203

lets keep these people in our prayers.

Lady Sleaze out....peace