Friday, January 9, 2009

My Best Friend Pt 3: The Musician

i was supposed to go to chandler middle school. but i ended up moving with my aunt and Henderson Middle was my zone school. i was placed in delta one because of my grades from elementary school, and my homeroom teacher was Mrs. Oliver, a math teacher. i know a few people in the class, for the most part i am alone. and then i met a person that would change my life forever.

this is my nomination for best friend number three: "Armon"

this man right here has been there for me for some really low times in my life. when i was feeling depressed about my home life, i could call him and he would make me feel better. when i was upset because i was stuck in the house all the time, armon would make arrangements to come pick me up from school and take me to have fun. when i was about to snap, i mean like snap and kill everyone i lived with, he would sing to me and make me remember that there is a tomorrow outside of THAT house. steven has always been there, no matter what.

and even now that we live in different states and live different lives, i know that if i really needed him he would be right there. and i respect and appreciate that more than words can explain.

so here is my nomination for best friend number three: Steven Armon Anderson