Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving 2009!!!

Like anyone really checks this blog anyways, but I wanted to stop by and say happy turkey day! Today is the day we all are supposed to be thankful for the things we have in our lives, and I am thankful. But I find it interesting that most people will resort back to their un-thankful ways just as soon as they get up from the table. I tell people all the time that I am blessed and that is more than a saying. I get up every morning, thankful that I'm still here. I know there is someone, somewhere that "woke up" some place else. I am thankful for the fact that my children are healthy and full of life and energy. I am thankful for being able to say I am thankful.

People sometimes don't understand me. Why the hell is she so happy all the time? What's making her smile. Sometimes I dignify the person with some bullshit, but most times I just smile knowing I've fucked their head up for the day. See I say I'm blessed because I can remember where I came from.I'm not completely where I want to be, but I'm further than I was two years ago. Shit I'm further than I was a couple of months ago.

The way I look at it, we should all be thankful, everyday, all the time. Because best a believe there is someone, somewhere wishing they had the little that you do; so they could say; I'm so thankful. Just felt like typing. Happy Turkey Day.